Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Want to run network speed test via command like a boss?
You don’t want to install any packages?
You want to avoid Ads full webpages that loading infinitive?
Simply run docker one-liner and benefit from simplicity.
In this step by step tutorial I will show you how to do it.
2. Network test provider
I found Ookla giving CLI tool that can be used as one liner for testing. I just decided to dockerize it and as a consequence install it inside sandbox and not in my local laptop.
3. Using Docker
You already know most of my tutorials and you already noticed that I am using Docker a lot. Here you will use it too.
Below Dockerfile, create it
FROM debian:stable-slim
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl
RUN curl -s | bash
RUN apt-get install speedtest
ARG UID=10001
RUN adduser \
--disabled-password \
--gecos "" \
--home "/nonexistent" \
--shell "/sbin/nologin" \
--no-create-home \
--uid "${UID}" \
USER appuser
ENTRYPOINT [ "speedtest" ]
Lines 4 and 5 are where speedtest program is installed.
Now build docker image and assign some tag
docker build -t toughcoding/oklaspeedtest:latest .
Then run it accepting privacy policies.
docker run toughcoding/oklaspeedtest:latest --accept-license --accept-gdpr
example results:
Speedtest by Ookla
Server: PITCHILE - Santiago (id: 47008)
ISP: Latitude-sh
Idle Latency: 419.23 ms (jitter: 76.91ms, low: 292.64ms, high: 467.29ms)
Download: 6.55 Mbps (data used: 8.2 MB)
662.66 ms (jitter: 38.64ms, low: 240.10ms, high: 1545.95ms)
Upload: 9.38 Mbps (data used: 15.8 MB)
327.14 ms (jitter: 43.45ms, low: 234.98ms, high: 1590.06ms)
Packet Loss: 0.0%
Result URL:
4. Summary
In this knowledge article you have learned how to quickly dockerize command line tool in order to test your Internet service provider (ISP).
I know you are as much excited as me by bypassing web browser. Now you can use it on your own.
Have a nice coding!